Some variants of this quote show up from time to time, often as memes, correctly attributed to Julian of Norwich:

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well…

This is taken from Revelations of Divine Love, written circa 1373. Here, I am using the edition that was translated (with a very helpful and detailed introduction) by Barry Windeatt and publshed as part of the series Oxford World’s Classics in 2015.

The quote has some variants which run through the entire book, and is the central theme of the writing. It first appears on page 20 (location 1442 in the Kindle edition) of the publication noted above. This excerpt will not do justice to the context, but it’s a start:

…as it seems to me, this suffering is something that exists for a while, because it purges us and makes us know ourselves and ask for mercy; for the Passion of our Lord is a comfort to us against all this, and that is his blessed will for all who shall be saved. He comforts us readily and sweetly by his words and says, ‘But all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.’* These words were revealed very tenderly, indicating no kind of blame for me or for anyone who will be saved. So it would be most unkind of me to blame or wonder at God because of my sin, since he does not blame me for sin.

One meme is worded as follows:

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well…for there is a force of love moving through the universe that holds us fast and will never let us go.

The second portion of this quote does not seem to be present in the edition of Revelations of Divine Love noted above.